Pavlok is awesome at breaking bad habits, hey it's what we do!
So in addition to those physical bad habits you have like biting your nails, smoking, etc...we are excited to introduce a series of videos to show how you can break other specific habits using the tools Pavlok makes available to you!
Have you ever gone to post a quick update on Facebook and a few scrolls later you were baffled that 30 minutes went by in a flash? It's ADDICTIVE isn't it?
You suddenly realize you still have so much to tackle...that test to study for, bills to pay online, work projects to finish up. Then all of a sudden you just heard the alluring beep telling you there's a new message. Then you see a new video is up inviting you to stay a little bit longer.
Then suddenly the day goes by leaving you with the inevitable question...Where the hell did all my time go?
Not into Facebook, perhaps then you suddenly have the urge to see just that last Reddit thread. It seems really appealing and more exciting than all those other things you need to finish at home!
You tell yourself, just a few more minutes and another hour disappears into the abyss.
Have you ever felt a visceral need to go visit your favorite porn sites daily? Even wanting to go there you feel this sort of emptiness/frustration, which strangely enough makes you want to watch ANOTHER video!
Your significant other hates that you visit these sites, but you just cannot seem to stop!
Amazon also plays it's charms with so many interesting gadgets. You go on there to buy ONE specific thing and then BAM...take a look at this paint brush, this blender you MUST have, a new toy for your pet perhaps. Hey, I guess I need those things!
As you add them to your cart it also looks, there's a new House of Cards season! They are making an special box with other seaons too. Errr... What did I come here for?
Yeah, I feel your pain.
This series shows you how to tackle those nasty habits: spending too much time (and even money!) on Facebook, Reddit, porn sites or on Amazon.
We recorded a video showing you exactly how Pavlok can be enhanced to help you fight these bad habits, save you time, money, and get you on track!
So, what were your key takeaways? We are here to help you out!
Next episode: how to NOT open 100+ tabs (and crash or slow your computer down in the process)
Stay tuned!
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